Art Talks: Mindfields of Color

Art Talks continues with a conversation with Gustavo Oviedo, Jesus Rojas, and Johan Wahlström.
Artist in Focus: Adrian Avila | The Rough Edges of Refined

This Artist in Focus is on Adrian Avila, his work, his ideas, and what makes him a unique artist, muralist, and philosopher on the street.
Art Talks: An Afternoon With Janet Siegel Rogers

Omsa Gallery Is Pleased And Honored To Introduce An Artist Who Really Needs No Introduction. About Janet Siegel Rogers
Art Topics: Building and Safeguarding a Legacy Through Art

In this meaty edition of OMSA Gallery Newsletter:
Art Topics | Building and Safeguarding a Legacy
Through Art
Artist in Focus | Deryn Cowdy Artist
Johan Wahlstrom answers our Proust Questionnaire
Artist in Focus: Carlos Gámez de Francisco | Post-Revolutionary Magical Realism

OMSA Gallery’s Artist in Focus Series places a spotlight on our artists, one by one, to give you a bit of insight into the life, technique, and approach to life, behind the gaze of an artist.
Artist in Focus: Amy Laskin | Capturing the Essence of Nature

This Artist in Focus is on Amy Laskin, American-born, based in the Blue Mountains of Jamaica and painting her surroundings to immerse us in her incredible healing sanctuary
Artist in Focus: Patricia Schnall Gutierrez | Taking a Step Back to Get Closer

We sat down with Patricia in her Hollywood studio, just before our curated exhibit, “Female, Figuratively, 7 female artists on the female form” at OMSA Gallery. (Dec. 1, 2023 – Mar 25, 2024.)

OMSA Gallery wishes its community of art lovers, artists and collectors the very best for this new year 2024.