
June 22 – September 21, 2024

Mindfields of Color

Selected works by 4 Miami-based artists

Janet Siegel Rogers
Johan Wahlström
Gustavo Oviedo
Jesus Rojas


Bending the narrative of color theory, or marrying their imagination to its precepts, either way, these four artists demonstrate the overarching possibilities of color at play in the spectrum of possibilities.

Using vibrant colors in four distinct and unique ways, each elicits emotion as if color theory were a visually audible vocabulary in a way you can see, hear, feel and almost smell it.

Have you ever heard a color pop, a shape biomorph before your eyes, or a landscape dissolve into the essential spectrum?

Experience our summer exhibition, featuring selected works showcasing the talent of these 4 established artists who speak to us of chromatic juxtaposition and infuse a cadence, vibration, and tone, eliciting emotion beyond the frame.

Dec. 1, 2023 - Feb 15, 2024

Female, Figuratively

Selected works by 7 female artists on the female form

Amy Laskin
Heidi Lanino
Julia Rivera
Marina Font
Patricia Schnall Gutierrez
Sofia Balút Páez
Veronica Pasman

At the heart of a female artist, there is one thing beyond their work that stands out.  Each cultivates their work as artists do, throughout their lifespan, but also happen to be women. This translates to also being a daughter, a sister, a girlfriend, maybe a wife, a mother, or even a grandmother. All these rites of passage they have walked through to get where they are today. These experiences, almost certainly, determine, how they navigate this earth, how they relate and care for others, how they conduct themselves and how they express love.

As artists their gift to the world is essentially to share with us how it has been for them so far. In the language, they speak best, with a vernacular expressed using the tools given to them at birth: their hands, feet, shoulders, knees, and toes; taking up pieces of cloth, yarn, charcoal, paint, paper, scissors, and a rock steady determination to fulfill their dreams, they dispel angst and gather bits and pieces of their soul to share with all who venture to look.

The work creates a shared narrative, a herstory, if you will, with all women on this planet and enriches all the other roles at play in a lifetime. Women appreciate each other; and support while nurturing one another to enable caring for everyone and all else.

What is witnessed in their work, is an experience of this world that is uniquely female. There is something that can be found in each of their oeuvre that is a peaceful resilience, a loving out loud, a silent certitude that what they do is a gift they give themselves.

And by gifting themselves with the work they do, as artists, they have gifted all of us but a glimpse of the freedom and spirit of creation that they experience along their journey as artists.

April 6 - June 8, 2024

Floridiana, The Land's Identity

Selected works by 8 Miami-based artists whose inspiration honors the spirit and beauty of our state's flora and fauna and how we are reflected in it.

Judith Berk King
Beatriz Chachamovits
Deryn Cowdy
Bryan Hively
Katherine Hofmann
Massimo Mongiardo
Jose Felix Perez
Gretchen Scharnagl

Each of these artists speaks to us of their experience of the abundant nature that defines Florida, still today. Through the magic of their medium, we are left in awe of their point of view of nature, which exudes a yearning to be immersed in the birdsong, leaves of color, and reflections that have defined our home since the Pleistocene of our man-made eras.

The exhibit celebrates the intrinsic connection between the land and its identity, inviting us to appreciate the beauty and diversity of our natural ecosystem, of which we are a part, and inspiring us to do better as its stewards.