United States

Luis’s immense talent and unwavering dedication to his craft have established him as an artist who moves effortlessly between different cultures, enriching the artistic landscape wherever he goes. His murals serve as vivid testaments to the transformative power of art, uplifting communities and sparking conversations that resonate deeply with their viewers.

With each brush stroke or spray can line, Luis channels his unique perspectives and experiences into a visual vernacular that resonates in the hearts and minds of individuals worldwide. He seeks for his artwork to bridge divides, break boundaries, and inspire a sense of unity and appreciation for the beauty that surrounds us.

Known in the international street muralist movement as El Chan Guri, Luis is a highly acclaimed artist based in Miami, Florida. Born April 16, 1977, in Managua, Nicaragua, his remarkable artistic journey transcends borders and inspires countless individuals who have also endured the exiled migration experience. Luis’s family sought refuge in the United States due to war and political instability in Nicaragua, to settle in Miami, where he grew up, received his primary education and discovered his artistic journey.

From a young age, Luis showed immense talent in the arts, excelling in various creative endeavors. He pursued his passion for art by seeking formal training at Florida State University in Tallahassee, where he earned a Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA) degree in Visual Arts. This rigorous program provided him with a solid foundation and allowed him to refine his artistic techniques.

Driven by an insatiable desire to explore new artistic horizons, Luis went on to pursue a Master’s Degree in Arts from New York University. Immersed in the vibrant art scene of one of the world’s creative hubs, he delved into its museums and galleries, absorbing invaluable lessons and expanding his artistic vision.

The allure of Art Basel and Miami’s thriving art scene eventually called Luis back to his roots. Returning to his Miami, he fully immersed himself in the burgeoning art scene, collaborating closely with various communities and organizations. Luis partnered with Arts For Learning Miami, the Miami Children’s Museum, the Miami-Dade Library Systems, the Boys and Girls Club of Miami, the Overtown Youth Center, Dade County Public Schools, The Art Experience, Giants in the City, Irreversible Projects, among many others.

Through these collaborations, he used art as a powerful medium to engage and empower individuals of all ages and walks of life. In addition to his community involvement, Luis formed strong connections with several prominent art galleries and studios in Miami, playing a pivotal role in creating captivating art exhibits and events. Notably, Luis co-founded Brisky Gallery Miami, where he served as the gallery director, curator, and showcased his own remarkable creations.

Luis’s artistic influence extends far beyond the borders of Miami. He has gained international recognition for his exceptional talent, with his murals adorning spaces in Chile, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, the Dominican Republic, Cuba, Haiti, Puerto Rico, Mexico, China, India, and throughout the United States. Each mural reflects his unique artistic style, capturing the essence of cultural diversity, heritage, and the human experience.


Lovers Quarrel

Mixed media on canvas, 24″ X 18″


Mixed media on canvas , 37″ X 53″




My paintings are the result of my continuous journey of self-discovery and realization. This journey travels through many roads with various experiences influencing me including my culture, nationality, race, spirituality, and psyche.

It is a dualistic endeavor searching as much within as well as understanding what is reflected outside of myself. What are my origins; where do I come from; and what is my purpose? These are among the questions I encounter on my path.

I paint images conveying energy, movement, and fluidity. The work is a contemporary approach to making automatic surrealist expressions that provoke subconscious thought from the mind.

The paintings provide the viewer with a meditative platform, which conjures up subconscious thoughts hidden deep within the psyche. It represents the artist as a modern-day shaman of society. The present and the primitive collide to form a sensual dance of humanity being born from chaos.